Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Felicitas’ Profile
Felicitas Dietrich 14 years old Present, past, future: Likes: Dislikes: Music: Electro/Techno music Internet/Social Networks: Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp Movies: A quote: Stay Positive
Jan´s Profile
Present, past, future: At the moment: I am living my live like a ordinary person Future plans: finish School, get a good job Likes: friendly people, funny movies Dislikes: unfriendly people, apple, Music: Green Day or some Rock Music Food: Pizza Internet/Social Networks: Facebook, Google+ Movies: The pursuit of happyness, Mr…
Sakine’s profile
Present, past, future: born and grew up in Germany Turkish 17 years old student Likes: surfing on the internet reading books cooking / baking Dislikes: too much study for school rainy days Food: Turkish food Internet/Social Networks: Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr Films: Source Coode White House Down Books/Authors: Elizabeth B. Oberbeck- Valentine, mon amour After…
First aid for language problems
Hier könnt Ihr Fragen stellen, auch auf Deutsch! And we can share useful links etc. which may help the German students to express themselves.
Valentin Zierdt’s Profile
Past, present and future: Studied in Munich at the LMU, now teacher for French and English at Peter-Henlein-Realschule. Next year somewhere else. Surprise! Likes: Skiing, theatre, films, books, travelling, swimming, sauna, acting. Dislikes: Rainy days, brussels sprouts and delayed trains. Pets: I don’t have a pet because I wouldn’t have much time for it. Music: Rock, chanson, classical, opera Food: Cooking…
Christopher Waugh – Profile
The Books? As my signed, limited edition, hardcover is the only book I emigrated with to the United Kingdom, I have to name “The Vintners Luck” by Elizabeth Knox as an important novel to me. A magical-real story of a 19th Century French winemaker and his annual encounter with an angel. As a New Zealander…
Mrs Baader’s profile
Present, past, future: English and German teacher at Peter-Henlein-Realschule I studied drama at Goldsmiths College, London and did teacher training at University of Eichstätt, Germany. What’s next? Well I’d love to improve my Spanish language skills, ideally by living and working in a Spanish speaking country! Likes: theatre, films, books, travelling, walking in the countryside…
British and German Exchange
Welcome to the shared Exchange journal [This is a placeholder post, content will be added soon]
Got any book recommendations?